The client operates two unloaders at its facility in South America. One of the unloaders is experiencing chronic fatigue cracking. The unloader was shut down for operation several times for emergency repairs of critical fatigue cracks. The client was concerned with the structural reliability of the unloader, and crack repairs and inspections were disruptive to the operation. The client retained Liftech to provide engineering services for emergency repairs to the boom, and structural modification designs for reliability upgrade of the unloader.
Emergency repair services for the boom included on-site observation of the boom damaged areas, engineering assistance to the owner’s engineering staff and owner-retained NDT inspectors and contractor, repair procedure recommendations, ongoing monitoring methods for the unloader temporary return to service, and other engineering support for near-term and intermediate-term repair solutions.
Structural modification designs for reliability upgrade include: reinforcing the boom and trolley girder, replacing the backstay, and modifying the cabin runway support structures.
Client: Confidential